Size: Minimum 6 Employees
Details: To be discussed
1. Guide to Pronunciation – Transliteration – Tones in Thai
2. Greeting & Basic sentences
3. Ordering food & drinks
4. Pronouns (Formal & Informal)
5. Numbers
6. Shopping & Bargaining
7. Direction & Places
8. Classifiers
9. Tenses and Time Indicators
10. Question & Answer Methods
11. Ending Particles
12. Preference (Like & Dislike) and making sentences
13. Ability (Can & Cannot) and making sentences
14. Forming Sentences
15. Get 1,000++ Vocabularies & Expressions
1. Learn to pronounce tones and vowels that do not exist in general terms.
2. Learn spoken & formal language.
3. Be able to use appropriate dialogues in situations met in daily life.
4. Be able to communicate and understand Thai people in Thai.
5. Be able to make simple sentences correctly.
6. Be able to talk about oneself and express one’s needs.
7. Understand the social rules of communication.
8. Be exposed to Thai culture, manners, values and beliefs as encountered in everyday life.
You will receive:
1. Material files
2. Homework checking
3. Pronunciation correction supports
1. Cancellation class should be made by 1-day in advance.
2. Learn pronunciation, transliteration and tones before into the lessons.
3. Do homework and submit Kruu Cake before the following classes.
4. Practice in everyday life to get the result.
5. DM Kruu Cake whenever you got questions / doubts.
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